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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Character Arc

Character Arc Disagree Hero’s Journey Gradual Change Sudden Change Vogler: "What Vogler says about Character Arc

Here’s Vogler’s Character Arc mapped to the 12 stages of the Hero’s Journey:

Ordinary World – Limited awareness of problem
Call to Adventure – Increased awareness
Refusal of the Call – Reluctance to change
Meeting with the Mentor – Overcoming reluctance
Crossing the first threshold – Committing to change
Tests, Allies & Enemies – Experimenting with first change
The Approach – Preparing for big change
The Ordeal – Attempting big change
Reward – Consequences of the attempt
Road Back – Rededication to change
Resurrection- Final attempt at big change
Return with the Elixir – Final mastery of the problem

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Top 10 Screenwriting Tips Introduction to Screenwriting How to become a screenwriter - StumbleUpon

Top 10 Screenwriting Tips Introduction to Screenwriting How to become a screenwriter - StumbleUpon:

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There are 4 basic questions a screenwriter should be able to answer about their story:

Who is the hero?
What do they want?
What’s stopping them from getting it?
What’s at stake?

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