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Friday, March 28, 2003

The Work Trap

Isn't it amazing that we all spend most of our productive hours working for a wage for someone else? This is called WAGE SLAVERY. It is really no different than if you were a slave in ancient Rome, especially if you think that you really need the job. Many of the slaves were given real authority and managed all of the business affairs of their master (boss). In return, many slaves lived like kings themselves. The only difference is that we have the legal right to change jobs if we don't like the one we have.
Of course, if you are nearing retirement, it can cost you many hundreds of thousands of dollars of net present value to change companies. Or if you cannot find a job because of a slowing/declining economy or if you cannot find an equivalent job due to the "reserve army of the unemployed." Why do we sell out like this? For more STUFF that just costs time and money to protect and maintain? For security? [I occasionally forget my ID badge and have to get a temporary badge. It is a moment of zen...we are all temporary, some more than others, only a few recognize it. How many people do you know identify completely with their job? When the job is gone, so is their identity.

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