Journal, lists, links, philosophy, but mostly just good stuff I have found on the web

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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

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Thursday, June 26, 2003

Did You Know?

Chritianity is an Eastern religion with meditiation.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Focused Attention

This may be the wrong title.

While engaged in a snit with my spouse over who controls my agenda when I am home (see posting from 6/13), I would just sit in a chair without speaking or moving for long periods of time. [This was a pissy way of demonstrating that I could / would do nothing without her say-so. It drove the point home.]

I discovered, however, that sitting still and doing nothing really, really focuses my attention. I guess when my brain cells aren't being used for voluntary motion they are readily available for other tasks…mental tasks. Focused attention. Focused meditation.


Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Annual Physical

I just completed my annual physical.

I had lost 20 lbs in the 18 months since the last one [I actually gained 10 and lost 30.] The PSA score was 0.4, which is excellent. My blood pressure went down, but they have also lowered the boundary between moderate and high, so I am still high. My LDL cholesterol was up (due to Atkins diet), but the HDL was up higher (due to weight loss, despite no exercise).

No problems. Doc said I should take a baby aspirin every day, exercise, avoid animal tissue, and live for another 45 years (past 100).

Friday, June 13, 2003

Vacation---Pre-retirement Practice

Just spent a week on vacation around the house. Tried to spend time working the stock market, but the wife gets real upset if she cannot set my agenda if I am around. She doesn't give a hoot if I am at work, but just let me be around the house doing my own thing and she gets in a snit. I can see that I will need to have an outside "office" when I retire.

Sunday, June 08, 2003

This weekend

Just got back from a road trip to Branson for my niece's wedding. About 10-11 hours on the road each way. It was a good trip though. Got to see lots of family that we haven't seen in a long time. Ate way too much. Drank too much. Did not go see a show, even though two of my nephews are perform in them.

Daughter just came in to announce that the jacuzzi is leaking again. The last time this happened (the last time they used it) the plumber was unable to find the problem. He said, "Just don't over fill the tub. If there really is a leak, we will have to pull the whole thing out and replace it." This is a nearly impossible task. Maybe we could turn it into a giant floral display in the bathroom. It is under a skylight.

Two of the most useless things in the world: skylights and jacuzzis.

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