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Monday, November 29, 2004

Grades Are Out

My son, a high school sophmore, has run up against one of those teachers.

The school has a system that sends out very detailed grade reports at the push of a button.

His Spanish teacher sent out a mid-term grade report that showed a score of 103%, including extra credit items.

She sent out no reports until the final grade.

He got a B+! His average was 87%. His final exam score was 85% and counted as 10% of the grade. The report stated that he had no missing assignments. Ergo, he must have had an average score of about 60% for the second half of the semester. For him, this is very, very unlikely.

He wants to handle the negotiations himself. This kind of thing has happened with this teacher before and he was able to get things turned around.

Part of the problem is that the teacher is barely computer literate. She also has about 400 students, so she is always way behind in grading papers. She does not know how to handle grading on the curve on the computer, which takes come skill.

This will be interesting.

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