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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Awesome Saturdy: Kid Brag

What a day yesterday!

It started with Alex competing in round one of the regional Mock Trial competition. I was not there, but everyone said he did extremely well. They won round one.

Next, Alyssa performed with her show choir [McKinley's Classic Edition] at the Xavier competition. She was front and center in every dance, including the couples dance that she learned 10 minutes before showtime, covering for a sick dancer. Her dancing and expression were absolutely outstanding. That performance was at 9:45. Then she and Bobbie left for the Riverside dance competition. They made the night round at Xavier.

Alyssa performed a solo, two small group, and a production number at the Riverside competition. She scored very well in all of them.

I watched Alex in the next two rounds of Mock Trial competition. They were on defense both times. He was superb! He knows his stuff and really likes to ham it up. He was called out by name as a superb witness in one round and his team was commended for their witnesses in the last round. They won the last round against one of the perennial powerhouses, by 3 points out of 150. Both Washington HS teams advanced to state competition. Wow!

Then I returned to the Xavier competition. Alyssa and 3 other dancers made a mad, high-speed dash from Riverside to Xavier (45-50 miles) in 35 minutes, including traffic. They went directly from their cars to the stage. Another awesome performance! They got second overall, even though they won the vocal and outscored the winner in choreography...Hmmmm? Politics abound.

Both kids made us really, really proud! Sinfully so. They combined excellent technical skills with the ability to perform in front of people with confidence and presence. What more could a parent want? Prayer works

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