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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Apple, Itunes, and Ipods

I finally did it! This die-no-sow-er gave up on WinTel computers and moved to Apple.

My son needed a computer for college and wanted some heavy music software. So he asked for a Powerbook. I came, I saw, I bought.

My wife also wanted her own computer for the kitchen. The tower pc in the basement was not convenient and was complicated. So...I got a mini-mac for her with a larget 3rd party screen and put it in the kitchen. She loves it!

I got a free Ipod Nano (4 gigs = .004T) for buying from Apple.

Until now, I was terrified of the Ipod's "Do Not Disconnect!" message and the weird control. My kids were always yelling at me for touching theirs, so I didn't

Now, I have my own. I figured out the control after a 30 second demo from my son and a quick look at the documentation.

It took a little longer to figure out Itunes, but I got it done. I just spent a whole day (my only day off this month) loading of 2 gigs of my music that should take 1.8 days to listen once. Whew! What a device.

No wonder the morons at the RIAA are scared! Itunes will eat their lunch. If they would only get with it instead of fight it, they will become a utility and make billions more than now.

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