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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thoughts from Perspectives

The Perspectives course has been extremely valuable and has truly changed my perspectives. I will always remember the discussions of methods of evangelizing Muslims. The oval diagram was enlightening. It shows that the fundamental goal of Muslims, Christians, and Jews is “How do I enter the Kingdom of God?”

This led to musings about the foundational "milk" versus "meat" of Christianity. I understand that our eternal salvation, "going to heaven," is a function of God's gracious election and that it is certain. That is a done deal. But Jesus spent most of his time talking about the Kingdom of God. Although the physical Kingdom of God will manifest at his return, we can begin to experience the spiritual Kingdom right now, as we know Jesus and worship him in spirit and truth. Many scriptures state that the key to entering the Kingdom [as opposed to having eternal life] is loving God and God measures that love by how much we love others.

This leads to a broader view of the great commission. “make disciples” includes inviting them into the Kingdom. “baptize them in the name...” means to immerse them in God's name / reputation / glory: His compassion, grace, patience, abundant lovingkindness, truth, forgiveness, and justice.

This leads a new perspective on “church.” What is it, really, at the core? How much of what we do leads directly to the Kingdom and how much is a diversion? Do we expect that unbelievers will come to our church to be converted? Are we properly equipping the believers to actually do the work of the Kingdom or are we depending on paid staff? How much is western culture and tradition and how much is God? God views every person as a precious made-in-His-image being. Do we treat everyone that way? Are we going out of our way to find the oppressed and downtrodden? Our local organic ministries suddenly become more important: His Hands, Aid to Women, Serve The City, J-Street Outreach, etc.

The broken line in the diagram indicates that it is possible to know and love Jesus and to worship in spirit and truth without changing one's worship to a western style. What a new perspective!

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