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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Which of These Success Factors Do You Already Have?

By Roy Furr

Full article here.
The Success Factors
  1. You have an unshakable belief in yourself. This may be the greatest of all Success Factors. It comes from knowing who you are. You are a remarkable person who is the embodiment of Love and Life. And from this place of knowing, you can have confidence you will accomplish great things. When someone recognizes this in themselves, it’s like light radiates from every cell of their body. 
  2. You write your own rules. Rules are imposed on us from every direction. From infancy, others tell us how we must live our lives. Top performers recognize and live with these rules on a daily basis — yet when a rule doesn’t make sense, top performers don’t hesitate to break or rewrite it to suit their vision. Nothing is impossible — although sometimes the rules must change drastically to make things happen.
  3. You’re always learning and improving. Great people never stop learning and improving themselves. They learn from books. ... Applied to your career, this means always working to develop new skills and master your craft.
  4. You connect ideas in new and unique ways. As they’re learning, top performers don’t just file every new insight and idea into its own separate file. They’re always looking for relations and interconnectedness of ideas, in order to see things and understand things in new ways. ...“How can this be related to something I already know?” 
  5. You’re always moving forward, because that’s what you do. You develop the habit of never stopping moving — even if it’s just your subconscious processing the day’s thoughts and activities and planning tomorrow as you wind down for the evening. This is howsmall good things snowball into big good things, and you accomplish more.
  6. You embrace chaos and uncertainty. When you’re living big — always creating a new and higher answer to “How high is high?” — there will be a lot of chaos and uncertainty in your life. It’s not comfortable. ... It takes practice to become comfortable doing this. And even more practice to embrace it. Yet it’s what top performers do and what you should practice doing, too.
  7. You’ll jump in when others won’t.  … you have to practice jumping in. Sometimes you’ll find shark-infested waters and you’ll have to skedaddle your little butt up out of the water before you get bitten too hard. Yet more often, you’ll find the water far warmer and more enriching — andwaaaay less scary — than you could have ever imagined.
  8. You’ll try, and try, and try again. Failure is a fact of life. The final Success Factor common in top performers is the unwillingness to let failure stop them from getting back up and trying again. They fail, and fail again. And, get back up and try, and try again. ... Why not fail as fast as you can — trying, and trying again — until you get there? Very few will remember your failures … and many will recognize and applaud your success.
So, which of these Success Factors do you have? Which are you working on?

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