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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Agent Reader Checklist

From the Writers In The Storm blog, found here.

This is a good checklist for evaluating a book, yours or others.

Here is the list:
Here are the items that I included in the reports I prepared and then in the report I prepared on my own manuscript:
Overview: What’s the story about. Who are the main characters, what do they want, what do they do.
Editorial assessment: How was the writing? Does it grab the reader’s attention? Was it an enjoyable read? Was the manuscript clean of mistakes?
Plot and Storyline: What’s the main plot? Do the storylines support the main theme of the book? Are all storylines plausible and realistically tied up at the end?
Conflict: Do the characters face both internal and external conflicts? Are the external conflicts realistic or contrived? Are the internal conflicts realistic or overdone?
Character development: Are the characters unique? Interesting? Do they have growth arcs?
Emotional connection: Is there an emotional connection with the characters? Do we care what happens?
Dialogue: Is it natural? Does it move the story forward? Do the characters have distinct voices?
Setting: Where does the story take place? Do the descriptions transport you there?
Recommendation: It’s hard to be objective about our own writing. Chances are, if you’re doing this for your own manuscript, your recommendation would be to take it on.
Read the link for more details.

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