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Friday, July 07, 2017

Looking for great content?

Sally Hogshead, of Fascinate fame, has published a great blog post entitled 21 Juicy Ideas for Fascinating Content.

Here are a couple of her points. Then go look at her article.

1. Start with information, then add insight

Information is good, but it’s not enough to establish your thought leadership. If you and I can both search for the same information, that “content” isn’t content — it’s a commodity. Step it up a notch by adding insight to your message.

2. Show us the implications of a trend

Enlighten us. Connect the dots. For example, “Here’s something on the horizon: ___, and here’s what it means for you and your business: ___.” Give us your interpretation. Point us toward what we need to pay attention to.

3. Go on a rant

Show us a point of view that you feel strongly about. Make a fuss about a problem. A passionate voice vividly communicates what you believe and why we should care.

She has a whole lot more. Go check it out.

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