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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How much do I pay a writer?

Canadian rates can be found here: CLICK HERE

For both freelance writers and those that hire them, that frequently asked question lacks a simple answer. Fees charged by professional writers vary according to the work involved. Many factors affect payment including:

  • the type of assignment (e.g., magazine article, speech, marketing report)
  • the writer's skill, background and experience
  • rights licensed to the client
  • the number of words and/or time the project requires
  • the number of interviews and research needed
  • the types of rights being purchased

PWAC's information reveals large pay variations between markets and locations. For instance, writers tend to earn more in large cities than in other areas of the country. There are also large variations between writers: a very experienced, established writer can charge more for her work than someone just starting out. Therefore, the rates below are general guidelines only. You'll need to negotiate the exact fee depending on the particulars of the assignment.

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