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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Standard Novel Story Parameters

Here is the source: CLICK HERE

Publishers aren’t looking to reinvent the novel; they’re expecting a great story told from within accepted parameters.

The Secrets That Get You Published

What are those secret parameters? What is story architecture? It goes like this:

* A set-up with a killer hook
* Character intro with back-story and context
* A sense of place
* Foreshadowing and the establishment of stakes
* The hero’s impending need and inner demons
* The emerging seeds of a subplot
* A major plot point that introduces the story’s antagonistic element
* The definition of the hero’s quest or need
* Scenes that deepen the tension as the hero responds
* Refining the nature of the quest and the elements of its opposition
* A mid-story mind-numbing context shift that changes everything
* The evolution of the hero into a pro-active warrior
* Another significant plot twist that puts all the cards on the table

… followed by a series of scenes that show how the hero is applying what he’s learned to become a catalyst in the story’s oh-so-satisfying conclusion.

It’s all learnable. It really is. Learn it, master it, and you will publish.

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