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Friday, November 06, 2009

Words I can't remember.

1. Anabasis: (from Greek ana = "upward", bainein = "go") is an expedition from a coastline up into the interior of a country. Katabasis, or catabasis, (from Greek κατὰ, "down" βαίνω "go") is a descent of some type. Katabasis may be a moving downhill, a sinking of winds, a military retreat, or a trip to the underworld. It may also mean a trip from the interior of a country down to the coast, and has related meanings in poetry, rhetoric, and modern psychology.

2. Amanesis: An oral history, given by a patient to his doctor. Heteroanamnesis is an oral history given by someone other than the patient. The process is outlined in a Wikipedia article.

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