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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sandy Hook Murders

Want gun control? Consider this:

1. The reason the Constitution allows guns has nothing to do with hunting.

2. There are two reasons for private gun ownership:

    a. For defense against evil people.

  • What would the body count at Sandy Hook have been if just one teacher had a gun?
  • What would the body count in the Aurora theater have been if just one customer had a gun?
  • What would the body count at Ft. Hood have been if just one soldier had a gun?
  • What would the body count have been at Virginia Tech if just one student or professor had a gun?
  • What would be the body count from aircraft hijacks if pilots carried guns. Oh! They do...and the count is ZERO.
  • What would be the body count in the Portland mall shootings if a citizen had a gun? Oh, one did. And the only body was that of the shooter, who committed suicide as soon as he saw the citizen show his gun. The citizen did not even have to fire.
  • Here's some more:
– Mayan Palace Theater, San Antonio, Texas, this week: Jesus Manuel Garcia shoots at a movie theater, a police car and bystanders from the nearby China Garden restaurant; as he enters the movie theater, guns blazing, an armed off-duty cop shoots Garcia four times, stopping the attack. Total dead: Zero.

– Winnemucca, Nev., 2008: Ernesto Villagomez opens fire in a crowded restaurant; concealed carry permit-holder shoots him dead. Total dead: Two. (I’m excluding the shooters’ deaths in these examples.)

– Appalachian School of Law, 2002: Crazed immigrant shoots the dean and a professor, then begins shooting students; as he goes for more ammunition, two armed students point their guns at him, allowing a third to tackle him. Total dead: Three.

– Santee, Calif., 2001: Student begins shooting his classmates — as well as the “trained campus supervisor”; an off-duty cop who happened to be bringing his daughter to school that day points his gun at the shooter, holding him until more police arrive. Total dead: Two.

– Pearl High School, Mississippi, 1997: After shooting several people at his high school, student heads for the junior high school; assistant principal Joel Myrick retrieves a .45 pistol from his car and points it at the gunman’s head, ending the murder spree. Total dead: Two.

– Edinboro, Pa., 1998: A student shoots up a junior high school dance being held at a restaurant; restaurant owner pulls out his shotgun and stops the gunman. Total dead: One.

Answer: the number would be so low it would not even make the evening news.

     b. For defense against evil governments.

  • How many people would have been murdered in the Holocaust if the Jews had guns? 
  • How many Cambodians would have died in the Killing Fields if private gun ownership had been allowed?
Answer: millions less.

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