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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

List of Potential Risks

From NFP Consulting Resources:
The following are a few of the more common areas of risk which can be assessed and addressed:

1. Availability of Information for Decision Making
2. Billing and Collections
3. Business Expenses
4. Business interruption
5. Cash Management
6. Continuity/Disaster
7. Contract compliance
8. Copyright infringement
9. Corporate Governance
10. Data Security
11. Donor/member records
12. Donor/member recognition and benefits
13. Emergency preparedness
14. Facility Management
15. Financial Reporting
16. Fraud & Ethical Behavior
17. Fund Raising
18. Gift Acceptance
19. Harm to clients
20. Human Resources
21. Insurance/Risk
22. Investment policies
23. IT Infrastructure
24. Litigation Risk
25. Misfeasance/Malfeasance
26. Malpractice
27. Operational Quality Performance
28. Personnel/Volunteer Behavior
29. Regulatory Compliance
30. Related Party Transactions
31. Special Events
32. Storm damage
33. Subcontractor Utilization
34. Succession Planning
35. Tax Exempt Status
36. Transportation
37. Unrelated Business Income
38. Use of intellectual property

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