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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Story Sturcture

This one comes from Write to Done by K.M.Weiland. It uses Star Wars: A New Hope as the example.

The classic approach to structure divides story into three acts, which we can further divide into distinct categories:

1. First Act - In which characters, settings and stakes are introduced to the reader. (e.g., in Star Wars: A New Hope, viewers meet the droids, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Luke, and Obi-Wan, and learn what is at stake for the characters on a personal level and the galaxy as a whole.)

 2. First Major Plot Point - In which the First Act ends with a definitive event that forces the character to react. (The murders of Luke’s aunt and uncle make him decide to go with Obi-Wan to Alderaan.)

3. First Half of the Second Act – In which the character reacts to his plight and tries to regain his bearings. (Obi-Wan hires a ship to Alderaan; Luke starts learning about the Force.)

4. Second Major Plot Point or Midpoint - In which another definitive event occurs, this time forcing the character out of his period of reaction and back into action. (The Death Star captures the Millennium Falcon.)

5. Second Half of the Second Act - In which the characters begin to come into their own and take definitive action against the antagonistic force. (Obi-Wan goes off to shut down the tractor beam, while Luke, Han, and Chewie decide to rescue Princess Leia.)

6. Third Major Plot Point - In which the character’s actions seemingly lead him to a place of defeat. (Obi-Wan dies and the Empire places a tracking beacon aboard the escaping Falcon.)

7. Third Act - In which the character must rally for a final assault against the antagonistic force. (Luke and the Rebels use R2-D2′s schematics of the Death Star to plan a last-ditch assault.)

8. Climax - In which the conflict between protagonist and antagonistic force reaches a deciding moment. (Luke blows up the Death Star.)

9. Resolution - In which loose ends are tied up, and the characters react to the events of the climax. (Princess Leia passes out medals.)

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