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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

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Sunday, May 18, 2003

Great Weekend!

What a great weekend!

I had just worked 27 of the last 28 calendar days on our Strategic Plan. Long days, for me...16 hours. The plan was delivered. So I took Friday off.

The weather was perfect: high 60's and sunny on Friday, high 70's on Saturday. I worked in the yard most of both days, plus cleaned out the garage, hung the air chair (a canvas swinging chair) and a hammock. Absolutely wonderful!

Took the family to the Outback Steakhouse for dinner to celebrate Mother's Day (delayed) and to recognize Alyssa's 99th percentile score on the "Computational Assessement Test." Listened to two of the three sermons I missed at church and one of the three Sunday School lessons...while playing Snood. Went to church on Sunday, ate lunch at a Mexican Restuarant, vege'ed out, played more Snood, etc. The whole day was a total blessing.

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