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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Healthy Churches Require Healthy Leaders

The following are my notes from a speech by Dr. James Farmer, given to the Linn County Association of Evangelicals on April 10th, 2008.

Healthy churches require spiritually healthy leaders.

Text: Exodus 17:1-6 God's instructions to Moses concerning his response to the bellyaching Israelites

1. Walk Ahead of the People.
Moses did this reluctantly. It was outside of his comfort zone.

Moses did this with humility. There was no arrogance or Pride.

Pastors must lead by example.

2. Take Some Elders With You. Build Disciples.
Develop, Empower, and release others.

This process is relational. It must be systemic and intentional.

Building superstars is not the goal.

Paul Johanson: Look for the call of God in young people and walk with them.

Build Disciples, Not Decision

Dr. Paul Leavenworth: focused on a group fo 12-15 young people; impacted a wider group of

30-40 people

3. Take the Staff I Gave You to Strike the Nile

We all have spiritual gifts (God-given, not natural)

There are 3 lists of Grace Gifts in Scripture

This is a calling; a divine appointment

Be authentically genuinely you; You are dead, it is Christ in you.

4. Go! I will Stand Before You.

Step Out in faith.

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