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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Noodles Through a Goose

I just found out that neither Google nor Yahoo! has a single hit on the phrase "noodles through a goose". Unbelievable! I have used that phrase for years.

"That beer went through me faster than noodles through a goose."

The phrase comes from the practice of Chinese goose farmers. When they want to take their geese to market, they feed a noodle to the first goose, with a string attached. The noodle passes through the goose non-stop. Then they feed the noodle the the next goose...and the next....and the next. After it passes through the final goose, they tie the string to a stick. Then they can lead all of the geese down the road to town without the geese running away.

I think I will add this to the Urban Dictionary.

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