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Monday, April 28, 2008

Neat Manuals

A really good Risk Communication Manual can be found here.

An excellent manual on Crisis Defusion can be found here.

Likewise, a really good manual on Aggression Management Communication can be found here. This manual is written for parole officers and prison guards, but also applies to situations where one party is in authority and the other party is resentful of authority.

The basic steps are:

Set clear goals.
  1. Limits and conditions
  2. Cooperation
  3. Clear Channel of Communication
Depersonalize Conflict
  1. "It's nothing personal"
  2. Depersonalize your authority
  3. Depersonalize constraints
  4. Depersonalize conflict
Personalize Cooperation
  1. An internal attitude
  2. A message
  3. Does not compromise limits and controls
Offer Choices
  1. Offer choices. The more aggressive they are, the more choices they need
  2. Force conscious and deliberate choices
  3. Effect of Choices
    - soften coercion and controls
    - implies respect
    - communicates confidence
    - diverts automatic reactions
    - places responsibiliy
  4. Presenting Choices:
    -Communicate: “It’s up to you.”
    -Take the threat out of consequences.
    -Convey your readiness to deal with any choice.
Conduct a Thinking Report-An objective report of what goes on in a person’s mind during a specific situation and period of time.
  1. Effects of a Thinking Report
    -“objectify” emotional experiences.
    -defuse emotional conflict.
    -present a neutral focus of attention for officer and client.
    -display targets for change: cognitive interventions.
  2. Thinking Report Steps
    -A brief description of the situation.
    -A detailed report of thoughts.
    -A brief report of feelings.
    -(the extra step) Identification of any significant patterns
    displayed in the thinking report.

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