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Friday, June 22, 2012

59 Seconds to Change your Life

Summary of Richard Wiseman's book 59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute.

From the AWAI The Writers Life Newsletter

As how happy you are often directly affects the quality of your writing, today I thought I'd share the 10 happiness tips in the last chapter of Wiseman's book. You can do each in under a minute. 

Develop the Gratitude Attitude – Wiseman suggests that you list three things that you are grateful for or three things that went especially well over the last week. You'll feel more optimistic about the future, plus you'll improve your physical health. For freelance writers, optimism is key. Prospects prefer to deal with someone who is optimistic and upbeat.

Be a Giver – Small acts of kindness significantly boost the happiness level of the giver. Things like giving a few dollars to the needy, buying a surprise gift for a loved one, donating blood, or helping out a friend. If you're a veteran freelance writer, why not offer to critique an up-and-coming writer's copy? The few minutes it takes you could have a big impact on how fast they advance in their career.

Hang a Mirror in Your Kitchen – If you place a mirror in the kitchen, it can lead to a 32 percent reduction in the consumption of unhealthy food, according to Wiseman. Being able to see your body as you open the fridge or sit down to eat inspires you to make better choices.

Buy a Potted Plant for the Office – Adding plants to an office environment, says Wiseman, boosts creativity. Creative ideas and solutions are a big part of a successful writer's life.  I'm going out to buy a plant after I finish writing this.

Touch People Lightly on the Upper Arm – Studies show people are more like to agree to a request if you lightly touch them on the arm. A good technique to keep in mind at your next networking event or the next time you meet a prospect or client in person.

Write about Your Relationship – Partners who spend a few moments committing their thoughts and feelings about their relationship to paper boost their chances of sticking together by 20 percent, according to Wiseman. The reason being it results in them speaking about each other in a more positive light, fueling a healthier and happier relationship.

Deal with Potential Liars by Closing Your Eyes and Asking for an Email – How do you spot a liar? They are more likely to use "ums" and "ahs" and avoid self-references (me, mine, I) in their conversation, according to Wiseman. He points out that people are 20 percent less likely to lie in an email because their words are documented and more likely to come back and haunt them.

Praise Children's Efforts over Their Ability – Saying, "Well done, you must have tried really hard," encourages children to try regardless of the consequences, thereby sidestepping the fear of failure. Plus, they will be more likely to attempt challenging problems.

Visualize Yourself Doing, Not Achieving – Wiseman says to picture yourself taking positive steps towards your goal instead of just fantasizing about the end result. So don't just imagine yourself in a big house with a million dollars in the bank; picture yourself being successful at cold calling, writing a great sales letter or email, and so on. Wiseman also recommends visualizing from the third-person perspective as studies show you are 20 percent more likely to be successful than those who take a first-person point of view.

Consider Your Legacy – Spend a minute imagining what a close friend will say at your funeral.  What do you want them to say about your writing career? That you never wrote that blockbuster sales letter or finished that novel (or whatever your writing goal is)? This will help you adjust your long-term goals and will encourage you to turn them into a reality.

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